Subsequent ordinary taxation (TOU) in Geneva

Subsequent ordinary taxation TOU
L’impôt à la source s’applique aux frontaliers et aux résidents suisses avec permis B. La Taxation Ordinaire Ultérieure existait déjà sous le nom plus connu de "quasi-résident" mais celle-ci ne s'appliquait qu'aux frontaliers. Cet article traite des modalité de l'impôt à la source à Genève tant pour les résidents que pour les frontaliers.


subsequent ordinary taxation (TOU) What is it?

The procedure of Ordinary Subsequent Taxation (TOU), allows taxpayers who are taxed at source, to file an "ordinary" tax return the following year in order to claim deductions that are not taken into account in the tax schedule at which they were taxed. But it can also be used to declare other income that cannot be deducted at source.

The TOU is treated like a regular tax return, the difference is that it is done in addition to the withholding of tax at source, hence the name "Ordinary Subsequent Taxation".

Swiss residents:In some cases, the TOU may be mandatory or upon request. Once the TOU application is filed, a regular return will have to be filed every year until the end of the liability (forever).

Non-Residents/Borders:For non-residents, TOU on demand is subject to conditions, in some cases it may also be mandatory.

Important: An TOU may result in a refund of withholding tax or an additional tax liability.

Why apply for an TOU?

It may be worthwhile to apply for an Ordinary Subsequent Taxation (OST), as it allows for the following charges:

In fact, these deductions are not included in the withholding tax scales.

Who can apply for an Taxation Ordinaire Ultérieure (TOU) ?

Résidents suisses

Tout résident suisse peut faire une TOU à condition qu’il réside effectivement en Suisse. Aucun autre condition doit être remplie.

Non-résidents / Frontaliers :

Un non-résident peut demander un TOU à condition qu’au moins 90% de ses revenus soient imposés en Suisse comme ce qui était prévu pour l’octroi du statut de quasi résident. C’est le cas pour la plupart des frontaliers.

Who is required to do an TOU?

Résidents suisses

Swiss residents taxed at source who meet any of these conditions are required to file an Ordinary Subsequent Taxation :


Non-residents may also be required to submit to Ordinary Subsequent Taxation if they meet one of these conditions:

The requirements for Swiss residents do not apply to non-residents.

How do I apply for an TOU ?

Two ways to request an Ordinary Subsequent Taxation (OST):

Response time to a request for Taxation Ordinaire Ultérieure (TOU)

Once the application is submitted, it takes 2-4 weeks.

Do I have to apply for an TOU every year?

Pour les résidents suisses, une fois la Taxation Ordinaire Ultérieure demandée, il ne faudra plus faire de demande. Vous recevrez directement votre code de déclaration fiscale chaque début d’année comme tout contribuable.

Pour les non-résidents / frontaliers, une demande doit être déposée chaque année pourvu que les conditions soient remplies.

What is more advantageous: staying taxed at source or doing a TOU?

What you need to know is that the withholding tax already takes into account some deductions:

If you have other actual expenses to claim than those already included in the schedule, then it is possible that doing an Ordinary Subsequent Taxation (UST) is more advantageous for you, as it allows you to claim the following deductions:

It is possible to know whether the TOU will work to your advantage or not, an analysis of your situation and a tax return simulation is recommended, especially for residents for whom the Taxation Ordinaire Ultérieure (TOU) is a definitive decision.

Tax Advice

The tax return can be made by yourself. However, doing it in the company of a tax expert helps you to declare your income correctly and, above all, to assert your rights with regard to deductions.

Tax Services takes the burden off your shoulders and helps you to see things more clearly. Please contact us if you have any questions or if you would like to do a tax simulation.

FAQ - subsequent ordinary taxation

The TOU allows other deductions and actual expenses not covered by the withholding tax rates to be taken into account, such as pension contribution buy-backs (LPP), 3rd pillar A contributions, childcare costs, maintenance payments and training costs.

The TOU may be claimed by taxpayers subject to withholding tax, whether resident in Switzerland or abroad, under certain specific conditions relating to their income, deductions and personal situation.

If a Swiss resident applies for an TOU, he or she is obliged to keep this system forever. 

For cross-border commuters, the application must be renewed each year.

The TOU application must be submitted once for residents and does not need to be renewed each year.

However, the first application must be returned no later than 31 March of the year following the levy.

For cross-border commuters, the application must be made each year before 31 March.

Quasi-resident status allows a taxpayer subject to withholding tax who lives abroad (non-resident) to apply for a TOU.

To obtain this status, at least 90% of the taxpayer's (or married couple's) worldwide gross income must be taxable in Switzerland.

The TOU is compulsory for residents in situations such as :

  • Gross annual income in excess of CHF 120,000
  • Annual income not taxed at source in excess of CHF 3,000
  • Possession of taxable assets
  • Property ownership
  • Self-employment in Geneva
  • and other specified conditions

You can estimate your total tax liability by completing an online tax return or using GeTax software for individuals.


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