Request for Extension of Tax Return 2023

Request for Extension of Tax Return 2023
Les délais sont clairs, il est impératif pour les entreprises et les particuliers genevois de procéder à leur déclaration fiscale et de se conformer aux échéances imposées par l’Administration Fiscale Cantonale. Découvrez dans cet article comment et à quel coût réaliser votre demande de délai sans être pénalisé.

Table of Contents

What are the deadlines for the tax return?

The "standard" deadline to file your tax return is March 31, 2023.

It is important to note that the deadlines may vary, particularly in the case of departure during the year.

You can find out this time frame by looking at the your login page, this was normally sent to you at the beginning of the year.

How do I request a delay?

Between January 20 and October 31, you can apply online or by mail.

Between November 1er and December 31, as well as for periods beyond these dates, requests are made only by mail and must be motivated, indicating in it why you have not yet filed your declaration.

Request a delay online

Log in to your e-file account In Geneva, in the menu choose the tab "request delay". Follow the instructions.


If you do not have an e-démarches account, go to the following page and fill in the delay request form for private individuals.

Request for a delay by mail

You can send your request directly to the CFA address:

Administration Fiscale Cantonale
Rue du Stand 26
CP 3937
1211 Geneva 3

For a request beyond the month of October, remember to justify your request.

Cost of a delay request for a tax return in Geneva

Les demandes de délai sont facturées par l’administration fiscale, voici les tarifs appliqués pour l’année 2024 :

As mentioned above, after October 31, online requests are no longer possible. At that time, you will need to write a letter with the reason why you need more time and send it to the CFA.

Acceptance or refusal of the request for a delay

Once you have submitted your delay request, the CFA will send you a letter informing you whether your delay request has been accepted or rejected. A delay request may be denied for the following reasons:

Tax return reminder fee

If you have not filed your tax return and despite your request for a delay, you will receive a reminder. It is important to note that reminders from the AFC are not free.

If, despite the reminders, you still haven't filed your tax return, you may be subject to official taxation, the tax bill may also be increased by interest on arrears accrued after 30 days from the date of notification of the slip.

Tax Advice

TaxFlow vous aide à rendre votre déclaration fiscale dans les temps et ainsi éviter toute pénalité. Nos spécialistes brevetés répondent à vos questions et vous aident à y voir plus clair.

FAQ - Request for extension

The initial deadline is 31 March.

You will receive a reminder within a few days, which will also be billed to you.

During this period, you can only request an extension by post by sending your reasons to the address of the cantonal tax administration.

The amount charged depends on the length of the delay requested:

  • up to 3 months: 20 francs
  • up to 5 months: CHF 40
  • more than 5 months: 60 francs

For each request submitted, you will receive a letter informing you whether or not the deadline has been granted.

Table of Contents

In need of tax advice?